Well, tonight started off rather normal, sissy got home and she had her "time". During which she practiced one of her favorite sports, I might add she is getting much better at it. :) [Sorry I cannot go into more detail about our personal life, we must be somewhat discretionary for our identities/jobs. ] When she was through with her hour I told her to get ready. She was completely unaware of what was about to happen. I took her into the bathroom to get rid of all the gross hair is finally [mostly] bump free. I wanted it all gone and this time I was going to make sure she did not get the painful razor bumps. So I went for the veet, god it makes her skin as smooth as a baby's bottom- it's ridiculous! It took a little while for us to get it to work properly- if you leave it on for too long it will leave the bumps just like last time. Then I told her it was time to get dressed! She went ahead and put on her cute maids costume and as soon as we tightened the tall 3.5'' heels on it was off to the bathroom again. This time I dolled her entire face up! I made sure she shaved fist so there wasn't any hair. I used some powder to make her face look super smooth and give her a great complexion then I put some blush, hot pink/purple-ish lipstick, purple eyeshadow with a wing tipped eyelid, and of course glitter! I LOVE glitter! The glitter I used was hot pink and blue it worked perfectly with the purple eyeshadow! It really did look good. I told her multiple times she would be a good looking girl and could even pull off being a drag queen! hahahahah It was actually really fun. I completed her look with a red wig that just pulled the entire look together.

Well by the end of the night I know sissy was tired because she kept trying to say let's just lay down but I was determined to do everything on my list! I know it has been a while since I used the strap on so I wanted to reinforce that I was the one in charge and we were not going to go to sleep- because that would mean I gave in and let her be in charge. I'm going to be more aware of her little mind tricks she is always trying to use on me. I'm not going to let her make me think it was my idea to not do something. Like when she says " I know YOU'RE so tired, I know YOU want to go to sleep."Yep that's not going to work anymore. I am putting my guard up so I do not give in easily like I have in the past. I also am going to be more consistent on fucking her on a daily basis since I have not been doing that either. I actually used the bigger strap on tonight that we have and I made her suck on it! I was a bit timid to do this at first but after we got into it I easily let go of the skepticism and understood why D's do it. It gives you a power trip and I loved it. I know she did not want to do it either she kept biting it and not sucking it right and I finally just made her do it. It felt good to be the one on top. Honestly, I never really gave him head that often but I did catch myself saying something along the lines of "yeah now you know how it feels for all the girls you've ever shoved your dick into their mouths!" I don't know it just came over me. I really wasn't planning on doing all of this it just started happening and it kind of felt natural I guess? I do like the strap on and I don't know why I have not been using it on a daily basis. So that will definitely be changing. It felt amazing to finally be using the strap on again and I had her legs strapped to the spreader bar we made which makes it more fun. Oh and to make it clear, I started out with the bigger one, the one I made her suck and I could tell I still haven't prepared her enough for it because it was causing a lot of pain for her so I was nice and switched to the regular size one.
It was a great night! I felt very successful. The only thing we really did not have time for that I wanted to do was listen to her files, ugh, but I think other than that it was an amazing night and I cannot wait for this to progress further and further!
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