I love coming home to a clean house... and eating a GREAT dinner is another great beny of having a slave! I think she had to make up for last night's terrible nibbles. I think I hurt her feelings a bit when I flat out told her "this is really bad". She got over it and cooked an amazing veil dinner with baked potatoes, salad and sauteed onions. Yum! Okay... now to the good part. :D
It was a slow evening, I had to work on some stuff that is due tomorrow so I chained sissy to the bed and played the files for about an hour. While she was chained up I was not satisfied with the gag she has. I took it off and cut another hole in the strap below the shortest length. She has always been able to more the gag around in her mouth which bothers me... well now she can't :). I really loved the expression on her face when I pulled the gag so tight she couldn't budge it! It gave me warm feelings all over. Hopefully I'm not a sadist... hehe. I do often find satisfaction when I accidentally cause her pain. It sometimes gives me an overwhelming feeling of joy and goosebumps! Not sure if that is a good thing or bad? I know this is going to be a short post but I will say that I have been going back and re-reading my goals. I have not been doing it daily like I should be, but at least I am looking at them and keeping the goals fresh in my mind! I am going to be on craigslist a bunch this weekend and looking in the paper and on ebay for some good deals on fun items! Yes I want a high chair, why? I don't know probably because Amy has talked about it so much that it has made me want one! hehe :) Maybe it is because I think Debbie will look so damn cute sitting in a highchair eating her din-din with a huge bib on that has a big "D" in the center with ducks and abc's blocks! haha it does sound adorable. UGH I knew this would happen if Amy kept talking about baby stuff all the time. It makes me wanna turn sissy into a baby sometimes. I don't know yet we'll see what happens I guess!
Okay, sorry this is so short but I'm off work early tomorrow so I'll get on here and my FetLife to update!
I do not edit my posts often, but I wanted everyone to be aware that I did have a discussion with my superior Domme and she and I set up a timeline of goals. This is a very good thing for me, we spent a lot of time on it and I have been checking it daily to see what I need to do/change to accomplish my goals! I just wanted to inform everyone that as of now I have completed two goals :). I am being more consistent with the strap on and I am remembering to train and make her greet me upon arriving home. Even though these may not sound like huge milestones- for me they are! I have such a hard time just remembering what I need to do on a daily basis that for me to have actually done this all week (since she got home) is great! I think this means I need to reward myself with a little present :).
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