Sunday, August 11, 2013

Exhaustion can get the best of us.

Well this past week started off good and ended in a slump. I thought I had enough momentum to keep things up but it is very difficult to balance work and this lifestyle. I'm really bad at time management and it's something I struggle with everyday. I'm never late to work. I think I've been late two times in the past year and one was because of a car accident. I'm an all star when it comes to work. It exhausts me too! I feel like I run circles around everyone else at my company but it's because I'm a go- getter, I like to see productivity. If I don't see that I loose interest very quickly. I think that us the reason I stayed in the restaurant biz for so long. I have finally got myself out if that lifestyle, mostly so I could start this one. So my new goal is to work on time management. I cannot say for sure that I will be able to go full bore at this every single night, but I will attempt to do my very best.
I have three jobs, one real job and two side jobs I do from home. If I do not keep the momentum up in all parts of my life I'm  not going to be successful at any of the things I have going on right now. I need to set goals. If I don't keep telling myself thus every day I know I'll loose interest. Sorry if I sound like a broken record but I know how quickly things can spiral out of control when I don't repeat myself.

This past week was brutal, I got 2 more clients I have to get work done for and I started an at home business, mostly to support all these fun things I want to buy! I'm really saving towards the max cita I think I will make Debbie pay for part of it, but she's already purchased so many if the things I've asked for I feel like it's my turn. On top of all thus there was a death in the family which is always a downer. It is hard to juggle all of the things that life throws at you. I know these next few weeks are critical to my success so I need to stop letting my feelings get hurt everytime she thinks I'm being " mean " to her. I know I can do this and I need to keep telling myself that ill be good at it.

I'm not saying that I'm going to easy into thus next week but I think our strong points are the weekends and I think that is when most of the essential training will take place. I am going to purchase heels tomorrow, I really want to humiliate her by taking her to the store and making her try on. Oh that would be wonderful! In due time.... Well I am making it a goal to post every day this week! Even if work gets crazy I'm going to squeeze in time!

Cheers for now!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love how you enjoy humiliating her.
